On going personal projects.

A) Industrialisasi (2022-present)

Industrialisasi is a blog engine and planned to be a content management system. It is built in JavaScript on top of ExpressJS to serve RESTful API requests from its user interface that is built on top of ReactJS and Bootstrap. The data is persisted on PostgreSQL database. An instance of Industrialisasi is currently running on Amazon Web Service Elastic Compute 2 (AWS EC2) using docker and docker compose. Some notable features that I am proud of on this project is the authorization and authentication flow both in back-end and front-end.


  1. Industrialisasi Blog Instance
  2. Industrialisasi API Documentation
  3. Industrialisasi API Github Repository
  4. Industrialisasi UI Github Repository
  5. Industrialisasi Docker Compose Repository

B) Stoic Quote API (2023-present)

Stoic Quote API is a simple API for getting random quote from four classic books of Stoicism. This API is built in JavaScript on top of NestJS framework. It is currently running on Render cloud hosting.


  1. Stoic Quote API Documentation
  2. Stoic Quote API Main End Point
  3. Stoic Quote API Github Repository